Transient and persistent serial correlations 1


  • Simon Farrell
  • Roger Ratcliff

Researchers in psychology are paying increasing attention to temporal correlations in performance on cognitive tasks. Recently, T. Thornton and D. L. Gilden (2005) introduced a spectral method for analysing psychological time series; in particular, this method is tailored to distinguish transient serial correlations from the persistent correlations characterised by 1/f noise. Thornton and Gilden applied their method to word naming data to support the claimed ubiquity of 1/f noise in psychological time series. We argue that a previously presented method for distinguishing transient and persistent correlations (e.g., E.-J. Wagenmakers, S. Farrell, & R. Ratcliff, 2004) compares favourably to the new method presented by Thornton and Gilden. We apply Thornton and Gilden’s method to time series from a range of cognitive tasks, and show that 1/f noise is not a ubiquitous property of psychological time series. Finally, we assess the theoretical development in this area and argue that the development of well-specified models of the principles or mechanisms of human cognition giving rise to 1/f noise is well overdue. Transient and persistent serial correlations 3 1/f noise in human cognition: Is it ubiquitous, and what does it mean? In conducting psychological research, it is essential to have models of the processes or principles theorised to underlie observed behaviour, and to have experimental and statistical methods sufficient to determine the theoretical adequacy of these models. This has become increasingly evident in recent work examining the dynamics of human behaviour, particularly in investigating the presence of 1/f noise in human cognition (Gilden, 2001; Gilden & Wilson, 1995; Van Orden, Holden, & Turvey, 2003, 2005; Wagenmakers, Farrell, & Ratcliff, 2004, 2005). One-over-f noise is a particular type of stochastic process that possesses the unique characteristic of selfsimilarity: 1/f noise looks the same (both visually and statistically) at time scales varying over orders of magnitude (e.g., Beran, 1994). Temporal self-similarity also implies longrange dependence: Observations separated by a large number of intervening observations in a 1/f time series tend to be correlated, and these correlations decrease slowly with increasing separation (i.e., the correlations are persistent). Finally, the presence of 1/f noise is taken as a signature of complexity in time series (Thornton & Gilden, 2005) and its presence has been used to argue for the abandonment of standard scientific methods employed in psychology in favour of a focus on emergent properties (Van Orden et al., 2003, 2005). A full presentation of the properties and implications of 1/f noise can be found in Wagenmakers et al. (2004) and Gilden (2001). In a recent paper, Thornton and Gilden (2005) introduced a new method for detecting 1/f noise in psychological time series. Two central claims are made in Thornton and Gilden’s presentation of their spectral classifier. One claim is that 1/f processes are distinguishable from alternative processes that do not possess the characteristics of 1/f Transient and persistent serial correlations 4 noise but may mimic the statistics of such processes (Wagenmakers et al., 2004), given that appropriate statistical methods are used. A second, more contentious claim is that applying their spectral classifier reveals that 1/f generally provides a better description of psychological time series than alternative models. 1 Although we applaud the adoption of a more rigorous method for detecting 1/f noise in psychological time series (in line with previous suggestions: Wagenmakers et al., 2004), we feel that there are several important statistical and theoretical issues arising from Thornton and Gilden’s (2005) presentation that must be addressed. We examine the relationship between Thornton and Gilden’s method and model selection methods previously presented for detecting 1/f noise (Wagenmakers et al., 2004, 2005), and argue that the new method presented by Thornton and Gilden improves detection little compared to that presented by Wagenmakers et al. (2004). We then discuss Thornton and Gilden’s claim of the ubiquity of 1/f noise in psychological time series, and show, by application of their method to data we have previously collected (Wagenmakers et al., 2004), that 1/f noise is not a general property of human behaviour. Finally, we address an important issue neglected in Thornton and Gilden’s paper, that of the lack of theoretical development in research on 1/f noise in psychology. Methods for detecting 1/f noise Thornton and Gilden (2005) primarily focus on the presentation of a method for distinguishing 1/f noise from stochastic processes that are not true 1/f noise, but may mimic the statistical properties of 1/f noise; that is, distinguishing persistent serial correlations from transient correlations. The method presented by Thornton and Gilden is a spectral classifier, in which the likelihood of a time series (or set of time series) is Transient and persistent serial correlations 5 estimated by comparing the power spectrum (the frequency domain representation) of a time series to a library of spectra derived from two candidate models of serial correlations. One model considered by Thornton and Gilden is 1/f noise, treated by Thornton and Gilden as fBmW: fractional Brownian motion (fBm) 2 with added Gaussian white noise (white noise possessing no systematic serial correlations). The added white noise is sometimes interpreted as independent variability in motor processes (e.g., Gilden, 1997). The other model they consider is an autoregressive moving average model, the ARMA(1, 1) model, in which the value of a series at time t depends only on the state of the system at time 1 − t ; that is, 1 1 − − + + = t t t t X X θε ε φ (1) For a full description of ARMA models, see Brockwell and Davis (1996). The purpose in comparing these two models is that, although possessing only transient correlations, the temporal statistics of an ARMA(1, 1) time series can resemble those of 1/f noise (Wagenmakers et al., 2004). Thornton and Gilden present some simulation results showing that their method is well suited to discriminating series generated from these two specific models. It is clear that the method presented by Thornton and Gilden (2005) is more rigorous than a method that has been commonly employed. Previous investigations (Gilden, 1997, 2001; Gilden & Wilson, 1995; Van Orden et al., 2003) of serial correlations in psychology have fit only a single model, a fractal model, and have not considered alternative models of the fluctuations in psychological series. Wagenmakers et al. (2004) showed that this approach is inappropriate, as short-range stochastic processes Transient and persistent serial correlations 6 not possessing the characteristics of 1/f noise could be misidentified as 1/f noise using standard procedures such as spectrum fitting. Accordingly, Wagenmakers et al. (2004, 2005) argued that 1/f noise cannot be considered in isolation, but must be accompanied by examination of alternative models, such as the ARMA model, that can give rise to similar temporal patterns as 1/f noise, but that do not possess long-range dependence. It is promising to see recognition of this important point in the method presented by Thornton and Gilden. Despite the implication in Thornton and Gilden’s presentation, however, it is not clear that their spectral classification method is also superior to a method previously suggested for distinguishing persistent and transient correlations. Wagenmakers et al. (2004) presented a method in which short-range processes, represented by the ARMA model, are compared to an extension of the ARMA model that incorporates long-range dependencies (see also Beran, Bhansali, & Ocker, 1998). This ARFIMA model (fractionally integrated ARMA model; see, e.g., Beran, 1994) incorporates an additional parameter that scales the extent of long-range dependence. Wagenmakers et al. advocated an approach in which ARMA and ARFIMA models were competitively tested in a model selection framework. Specifically, Wagenmakers et al. advocated determination of the maximum likelihood of a time series under the ARMA model and the ARFIMA model, and then selection of one of these models using an information metric such as Akaike’s information criterion (AIC; Akaike, 1974). The existence of two methods for estimation of 1/f noise demands a comparison of the approaches. Table 1 lists the similarities and differences between the spectral classifier introduced by Thornton and Gilden and the ARFIMA model selection approach Transient and persistent serial correlations 7 Wagenmakers et al. (2004). Looking first at the similarities, it is apparent that the two methods are, for the most part, very similar in their approach and application. Both methods, in contrast to those employed previously in psychology (e.g., Gilden, 2001; Gilden & Wilson, 1995), involve the comparison of an LRD model to an alternative model, such as the ARMA(1, 1) model, that displays only SRD. This model selection approach is one of the main strengths of the two procedures, as it ensures that SRD processes will not be misidentified as LRD (see Wagenmakers et al., 2004, and Thornton & Gilden, 2005). The ARFIMA approach can be extended to allow estimation of a longrange component such as ARFIMA(0, d, 0) contaminated by an independent white noise source (e.g., Crato & Ray, 2002; Hsu & Breidt, 2003). The ARFIMA(0, d, 0) plus white noise time series model is very similar to the fBmW model estimated by Thornton and Gilden’s spectral classifier. A related point is that, despite objections levelled at the ARFIMA modelling framework by Thornton and Gilden (2005), neither method requires the nesting of the SRD model in a more general LRD model, or assuming the ARMA model as a null hypothesis. Thornton and Gilden devote several pages to criticism based on the supposed necessity of nesting in the ARMA/ARFIMA framework, claiming that “the sole utility [of the ARFIMA model] arises from its nesting relationship to the ARMA” (p. 29). Wagenmakers et al. (2004) did use an approach in which the ARMA(1, 1) model was competitively compared with the ARFIMA(1, d, 1) model, which can be treated as a nested comparison. Our choice of nested models in Wagenmakers et al. was motivated by the belief that psychological series are unlikely to be “pure”, and that an LRD process would likely be contaminated by short-range dependencies. However, Wagenmakers et Transient and persistent serial correlations 8 al. did not extend the nesting to statistical comparison: The two models were compared using a general model selection metric, Akaike’s Information Criterion (Akaike, 1974), rather than a likelihood ratio test naturally suggested by the nested framework. More importantly, as shown in Wagenmakers et al. (2005; see also Beran et al., 1998) a broad range of non-nested ARMA and ARFIMA models can be compared in the ARMA/ARFIMA framework; indeed, Thornton and Gilden acknowledge in their Footnote 4 that the ARMA/ARFIMA framework does not require nesting. One of the important strengths of the ARMA/ARFIMA approach is that a range of ARMA and ARFIMA models can be compared for an observed series. Torre, Delignières, and Lemoine (in press) have recently shown that the generalised model selection approach adopted by Wagenmakers et al. (2005) can reliably estimate fractal noise, with few false responses to ARMA series. Finally, both methods can be applied in maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian frameworks. Thornton and Gilden have demonstrated the use of ML and Bayesian estimation in the spectral classifier; others have demonstrated the use of exact maximum likelihood (Hauser, 1999; Sowell, 1992), approximate maximum likelihood (Haslett & Raftery, 1989), prequential (Wagenmakers, Grünwald, & Steyvers, in press), and Bayesian (Hsu & Breidt, 2003; Pai & Ravishanker, 1998) ARFIMA modelling. Table 1 also lists some differences between the two approaches. Some of these are inessential differences that would be easily modified in either approach. For example, the ARFIMA model is estimated in the time domain (using the autocovariance function) while the spectral classifier requires estimation in the frequency domain. However, the spectral classifier could be easily adapted for analysis in the time domain, while methods Transient and persistent serial correlations 9 exist for estimating ARFIMA models in the frequency domain (e.g., Fox & Taqqu, 1986). Other differences between the models are less trivial, and generally favour the ARFIMA modelling framework on pragmatic grounds. ARFIMA methods are available in popular statistics and numerical programs such as Ox (Doornik, 2001), R (Maechler, 2005), and S-Plus, whereas the spectral classifier is not freely available. Accordingly, we have made code for the procedure available on the web (, as well as details of simulations comparing the spectral classifier to the ARFIMA method. The ARFIMA packages also easily extend to different lengths of time series and higher order models [e.g., ARFIMA (2, d, 2)], whereas the spectral classifier requires generation of a new covariance library for each new model or series length. Finally, given its popularity, the ARFIMA model’s properties are well known (e.g., Beran, 1994; Haslett & Raftery, 1989; Sowell, 1992), whereas those of the spectral classifier have yet to be rigorously explored. Is 1/f noise ubiquitous in psychology? Thornton and Gilden (2005) advance a second claim that, having a method that is able to detect 1/f noise, application of such a method to psychological time series reveals 1/f noise to be a general property of human behaviour. As an example, Thornton and Gilden apply their spectral classifier to the word naming data of Van Orden et al. (2003). These data are of particular interest given that Wagenmakers et al. (2005) analysed the same data using a range of ARMA and ARFIMA models, and found inconsistent evidence for the presence of 1/f noise. In contrast, Thornton and Gilden found that application of their spectral classifier revealed the presence of 1/f noise in the majority of Transient and persistent serial correlations10 series collected by Van Orden et al. The claim that 1/f noise is “the best explanation for the fluctuations that characterize psychological time series” (Thornton & Gilden, 2005, p. 430) is a strong, general claim that is easily falsified by examining other sets of data. As an example, Table 2 gives the log-likelihood (lnL) differences resulting from application of Thornton and Gilden’s spectral classifier to the data collected by Wagenmakers et al. (2004). Wagenmakers et al. ran six participants on three different types of tasks involving responses to numbers (see Wagenmakers et al., 2004 for methodological details). Wagenmakers et al.’s participants completed a simple reaction time task (press a single key as soon as a number appeared), a choice reaction time task (classifying numbers as odd or even), and a time estimation task (press a key one second after onset of a stimulus). Wagenmakers et al. also manipulated response-stimulus interval (RSI: short vs. long). Table 2 shows that in none of the tasks did Thornton and Gilden’s method classify more than half the series as fBmW. The bottom two rows of the table show that aggregating the results across participants by summing lnL differences reveals convincing evidence for 1/f noise in only a single task: time estimation with a long RSI. For all the other series the summed lnL differences are less than 0 (i.e., evidence for the ARMA model), or the odds are only very slightly in favour of fBmW. Indeed, in three of these conditions (simple RT with short RSI, SS; choice RT with long RSI, CL; time estimation with short RSI, ES) the data are at least 18 times more likely under the ARMA model than under the fBmW model. Notably, these results are in line with those from the ARFIMA method presented in Wagenmakers et al. (see their Table 1), who found systematic evidence for 1/f noise only in the estimation task with long RSI (EL). Transient and persistent serial correlations11 One possible objection to the above analysis is that the conclusions appear to differ from those reached by Wagenmakers et al. (2004) in examining the same data set. First, it is important to note that these apparent differences do not arise due to differences between the spectral classifier and the ARFIMA model. Five of the 17 series classified as 1/f noise by the ARFIMA method (Wagenmakers et al., 2004) are classified as ARMA by the spectral classifier, and four of the 16 series classified as 1/f by the spectral classifier are identified as ARMA by the ARFIMA method; the two methods exhibit considerable overlap in their classification of series. What differs from the analysis of Wagenmakers et al. (2004) is the use of a group analysis. Wagenmakers et al. (2004) were only interested in determining whether 1/f noise could be witnessed in psychological series; their conclusion was that in some tasks, for some participants, 1/f noise might be observed. Here, in addressing the stronger claim of the ubiquity of 1/f noise, we have combined information from several participants by aggregating log-likelihoods to draw more general conclusions. This aggregation reveals a lack of compelling evidence for 1/f noise as a general feature of cognitive performance, although it is possible that in some cases individuals may show behaviour consistent with 1/f noise. This example shows that 1/f noise is by no means ubiquitous in psychology, even when classification is carried out using the method presented by Thornton and Gilden (2005). The finding that the evidence for the ARMA model was overwhelming in three of the tasks supports the argument that in many cases the ARMA model is a more appropriate statistical model of the serial correlations in human performance, and that the presence of these transient correlations should be considered in developing theories of the dynamics of human performance. Transient and persistent serial correlations12 The provenance of 1/f noise One issue that remains unaddressed by Thornton and Gilden (2005), despite the promise of the title of their article, is the provenance of the serial correlations in psychological time series. It must be asked: given that we have several methods for distinguishing 1/f noise from potential short-range dependent lures, what types of experiments should we now run in order to advance psychological theory? If it does turn out that 1/f correlations are a generally observed in cognitive psychology, what does this tell us about human cognition? Thornton and Gilden (2005) reject the ARMA and ARFIMA models as being “theoretically beholden to autoregression” (p. 418). Although the ARMA/ARFIMA framework is intended as a statistical framework, we would welcome any framework in which the models of serial correlations under analysis are “theoretically beholden”, regardless of the creditor. However, we wonder whether the fBmW model favoured by Thornton and Gilden is such a theoretical framework. It is clear that Thornton and Gilden think of the underlying processes as “fractal”, but it is not clear that calling those processes fractal goes any further than describing the statistical properties of 1/f noise. Thornton and Gilden discuss several processes that generate 1/f -like noise (pp. 411-412), but the charge of a lack of psychological realism can be leveled at these as convincingly as at autoregressive models (indeed, the random-random walk model discussed on their p. 411 is an autoregressive model similar to the ARFIMA model). We puzzle over the implementation of a psychological theory of word naming in which responses arise from “the natural fluctuations emanating from metastable systems that have converged to a phase transition between order and chaos” (Thornton & Gilden, 2005, p. 412). Transient and persistent serial correlations13 A comparison can be made between research in 1/f noise, and research on the power law of practice. The power law of practice 3 is the finding that the time taken to do a task decreases as a power function with amount of practice (see Ritter & Schooler, 2001 for an overview). Just as is claimed for 1/f noise, this power law of practice has been found to be ubiquitous in psychology, applying to a diverse range of tasks including cigar rolling (A. Newell & Rosenbloom, 1981) and book writing (Ohlsson, 1992). However, observations of a power law of practice have been accompanied by a clear theoretical development, with several well formulated explanations being offered for this form of speedup, including the accumulation of instances (Logan, 1988), chunking (K. M. Newell, 1990), and a power function of learning reflecting the statistics of the environment (Anderson & Lebiere, 1998). Notably, these theories have gone beyond the reduction in mean task completion time to account for other learning phenomena, such as the power shaped drop in variability with practice (e.g., Anderson & Lebiere, 1998; Logan, 1988). We note that the demonstration of 1/f in psychological time series has not been accompanied by such theoretical development, and wonder how such progress can be made. It is clear from their closing sentence that Thornton and Gilden (2005) are aware of the need for the development of well specified and testable theories of temporal correlations in human performance. However, looking back, we note that research on 1/f noise in cognitive psychology has been ongoing for ten years now (the first publication on this topic being that of Gilden & Wilson, 1995) in the absence of theoretical development. Despite the advances reflected in the work of Wagenmakers et al. (2004) and Thornton and Gilden (2005), the accounts offered for 1/f noise (such as selfTransient and persistent serial correlations14 organized criticality; SOC) have as much currency now as they did ten years ago (Gilden, 2001; Thornton & Gilden, 2005; Van Orden et al., 2003, 2005). Although explanations such as SOC, random-random walks, and iterative maps incorporating bifurcations may be explanations for 1/f noise (Thornton & Gilden, 2005; Van Orden et al., 2003, 2005), these theories, which originate outside psychology, need computational formulation in terms of psychological processes. Meanwhile, we question the usefulness of continued investigation of 1/f noise in human behaviour in the absence of well specified psychological theories. The prospect of 1/f noise being a universal feature of human cognition is certainly an exciting one, but this excitement must be accompanied by theoretical and empirical development. Transient and persistent serial correlations15 ReferencesAkaike, H. (1974). A new look at the statistical model identification. IEEE Transactionson Automatic Control, 19, 716-723.Anderson, J. R., & Lebiere, C. (1998). The atomic components of thought. Mahwah, NJ:Erlbaum.Beran, J. (1994). Statistics for long-memory processes. New York, NY: Chapman & Hall. Beran, J., Bhansali, R. J., & Ocker, D. (1998). On unified model selection for stationaryand non-stationary shortand long-memory autoregressive processes. Biometrika,85, 921-934. Brockwell, P. J., & Davis, R. A. (1996). Introduction to time series and forecasting. NewYork, NY: Springer. 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Journal of Transient and persistent serial correlations18 Experimental Psychology: General, 134, 108-116. Wagenmakers, E.J., Grünwald, P., & Steyvers, M. (in press). Accumulative predictionerror and the selection of time series models. Journal of Mathematical Psychology. Transient and persistent serial correlations19 Author NoteThe second author was supported by a VENI grant from the Dutch Organization forScientific Research (NWO). The third author was supported by NIMH grant R37-MH44640. We thank Michael Lee, David Gilden, Thomas Thornton, and an anonymousreviewer for their insightful reviews of a previous version of this paper. We are alsograteful for Tom Thornton’s assistance in clarifying the specifics of the spectralclassification method. Transient and persistent serial correlations20

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1/f noise in human cognition: is it ubiquitous, and what does it mean?

Researchers in psychology are paying increasing attention to temporal correlations in performance on cognitive tasks. Recently, Thornton and Gilden (2005) introduced a spectral method for analyzing psychological time series; in particular, this method is tailored to distinguish transient serial correlations from the persistent correlations characterized by 1/f noise. Thornton and Gilden applied...

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